The solution
Phase one:
Start with MMC®’s Cash Campaign. This will accomplish the following things and much more.
- Raise the revenue to fund all future campaigns
- Raise the revenue to get your course in mint condition
- Lock up all golfers within a twenty (20)-mile radius of your property for two (2) years
- Starts building your mailing list, SMS (text messaging) list, email list, social media list, etc.
- Buys you the time not worrying about revenue to start implementing customer relations and loyalty programs
- Revenue to pay some bills and maybe even yourself
- MMC®’s Cash Campaign is designed on a two (2) year golf membership. We do this for several reasons and one of the reasons is to lock up the relationship from the point of entry. This golf membership is a great value to the public so we look at it as “buying the golfer’s loyalty” in the beginning. This gives you two (2) years to “sell” this golfer on staying loyal to their new golfing home.
Phase two:
Run MMC®’s EFT Campaign. This will accomplish the following things and much more.
- This campaign should be launched within 60 days of the Cash Campaign. This campaign is when you now start building your brand and raising your rates. In previous areas of this site, we shared with you that “raising rates or dues” is a terrible idea, unless, you are starting off with a surplus of members. If you have just finished our Cash Campaign you have anywhere between 500 and 2,000 golf members; now, we can start “thinning out the herd”.
Most properties mess this up so badly. They are always so afraid of discounting they end up “discounting” themselves out of business. The old adage, “You get what you focus on”is so true. They refuse to do it right the first time and build up; instead, they are on a slow spiral down. MMC®’s approach is to lock up every golfer within twenty (20) miles and then start raising the perceived value as getting greater and the product becoming more of a commodity; whereas most properties do the complete opposite and start high and then gradually lower and discount their product to where the public perceives the value of the product as getting worse.
- Our EFT Campaign is designed to capture those targets (golfers) who were not interested in a PIF (paid in full) option but prefer to pay on a monthly basis. This is a great addition to anyone’s business model because it brings in set revenue monthly; which makes it easier for bookkeepers and management to have this monthly revenue stream.
- This golf membership is higher than the cash membership but is also a two (2) year commitment.
Phase three:
Run MMC®’s Elite Campaign. This will accomplish the following things and much more.
- This campaign is designed for the member that wants it all. This is the golf membership everyone will secretly aspire to. These are the members who play 50 to 100 times a year, they want to play all the premium times including Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8 am, they want people to know their name when they get to the golf course, and they want to have the cleanest carts, they want to play in all the club events whether its tournaments or leagues, they don’t want to be charged additional fees, they want to walk in the course and get immediate attention and recognition, they want to play a round with the pro, charge at the bar and restaurant, attend the social functions, etc. This quality of service and attention commands a premium golf membership fee.
- You are now financially sound enough to charge whatever you feel is appropriate for the level of service and product you offer. You have been building your brand by building the perceived value of your product and services within your market.
- You now have a surplus of golf members and you have been growing slowly through your monthly campaigns getting the word out this is the golf course to be a member of. It’s just like a nightclub or restaurant, everyone wants to go where it’s happening.
Phase four:
Join MMC®’s Platinum Plus membership. This will accomplish the following things and much more.
- We have set our Platinum Membership on two (2) years as well. This too has been done for many reasons. First, it will take at least two (2) years for you and/or your staff to become proficient in golf course marketing and professional sales. Second, because it will complete one cycle of facilitating the most important mediums of marketing for growing your property and your career. Third, you will have built such a strong foundation even if you only apply ten percent (10%) of what you learn during this period you still will be able to grow the business effectively.
- At the beginning of this course, you will be starting out with the basics like introductory sales training, building your lists, building and registering for social media sites, doing community outreach campaigns, etc. Since you have already run the cash campaign you won’t have the reassurance of “raising revenue” looming over you which will give you the time to do these tasks effectively.
- This membership is as important as any of the other campaigns because, without the everyday details and seed planting, the property will always be dependent on the next “campaign”. Planting seeds daily will pay dividends with compound interest.
- This workshop is where we take you through the 7 steps of financial freedom.
At the end of this two (2) year cycle your original members will be up for renewal and it is time to raise their membership rates. Do not make them change their membership structure because you do not want to encourage fallout, although at this point you are well prepared for it if it were to happen because you now have a surplus of members.
By raising rates you will definitely experience a drop in members which might be a good thing at this point and you can gauge what the golf membership value is based on your success. Even the golfers that drop off of the membership will still golf at their preferred golf course since you have been satisfying their 6 core emotional needs for the past two (2) years and have conditioned them to link happiness with your property.
If you are ready to stop “hoping” you’ll have good weather, stop “hoping” you’ll get all of your events in this year, and start knowing you have planted the seeds for an abundant harvest, partner with MMC® today!
Throughout MMC®’s site there is a ton of free information on golf course marketing and professional sales training, so please take time to view the entire site for the free tips on growing the game, your property, and your career. Watch the videos (please be patient while they load and buffer), read the text, and pick and choose what is valuable to you and fits your current and future business model.
Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your course, and your career.