Monthly Tips

Golf Consumer Profiling

Last month I wrote and produced a vlog on demographic data. I referenced the 2016 presidential election and how data plays a major role in politicians marketing strategy. Today, I am going to address psychographics. Psychographics is the study of attitudes, interests and lifestyles. As we now know from the results of the election “basic” data like age, income, race, education, and gender only tell part of the story and in this election cycle psychographics were definitely the deciding factor. Consumer profiling tells the complete story because you gather tons of data based on psychographics as well as demographics.

As this presidential election proved-you must know how consumers “feel” about your product and service. Knowing the consumer’s attitude, spending habits and buying patterns are equally, or even more important than knowing the consumer’s income. An owner must know the emotional value as well as the perceived value his or her product has. This is why I always stress anyone in the position of growing a business must go much deeper into the data than just “income”.

Golf has always been the Field of Dreams business up until 2003. For the past 13 years owning a golf course has been a nightmare for some owners. I am here to tell you owning a golf course can be just as rewarding and lucrative as it was in the 1990s if owners would simply re-think their model (not the game) and stop hoping for good weather and a good season. Instead, owners need to realize there is a much better way. Times have changed as we clearly see in this presidential election.

MMC® profiles casual and non-golfers through a criteria based formula that is data driven with an emphasis on the consumer’s buying patterns, spending habits, lifestyle, interests, attitudes and so on. Our team gathers all of the available data on your prospects (not just at a rudimentary level like “income”) and pre-qualifies consumers who have purchased within the golf category but has yet to be engaged by traditional golf marketing.

MMC® identifies, engages and locks up these new golfers in long-term relationships with your golf course and does it with no out-of-pocket investment from the course owner.

MMC® is a data-driven (our targeted golfers are qualified through a consumer profile), performance-based (we are paid solely on a success basis), no-risk/self-funding (the campaign completely pays for itself and we require no up-front fees), turn-key (we design and manage the entire campaign from conception to close-out) golf marketing company.

Thank you for partnering with MMC® today in growing the game, your golf course and your golf career.

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